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Browse QuestionsCategory: Questionsinstall-mgl-tools-ubuntu
Naike Schwenner asked 9 months ago

Hello, I followed this instructions: Installing MGLTools2 package (ADFR/AGFR/AutoSite) on Ubuntu by Dr. Muniba Faiza. And after this command: $ ./ I get the following error: Python installed, please wait for the rest of MGLTools to be installedRunning /home/parallels/Downloads/mgltools_x86_64Linux2_1.5.7/bin/MGLpython2.7 Tools/ ./ 96: /home/parallels/Downloads/mgltools_x86_64Linux2_1.5.7/bin/MGLpython2.7: Exec format error I run ubuntu via Parralels on a M1 Mac. I would be very happy If you could help me! Many greetings, Naike

1 Answers
Dr. Muniba FaizaDr. Muniba Faiza Staff answered 8 months ago

It seems you are trying to install a 32-bit executable. It won’t work. Install 64-bit executable.