While we try to accommodate a wide variety of writing styles and languages, All BiR authors are required to follow guidelines mentioned below.
For Peer Reviewed Research/Review Article submission guidelines please visit this link.
Following guidelines are only for short communications, popular articles and explainers:
- Please write short, informative paragraphs consisting of crisp sentences in everyday English.
- Avoid Useless Content even if you are an idiot, or if you write so well
- Keep leads short. Those with 10 words or less are preferred.
- Leads limited to one or two sentences are preferred.
- Avoid starting leads with “when” or “where” unless the time or place is unusual. Most leads start with “How”, “who” or “what.”
- Avoid beginning leads with “there” or “this.”
- The first five to “what happened” makes a better story than the fact it did.
- Use quote and question leads sparingly.
- Keep paragraphs short. Those limited to 60 words or less or no longer than 10 typeset lines are preferred.
- Paragraphs limited to one to three sentences are preferred.
- Each paragraph should contain only one idea.
- Remember short paragraphs encourage readers to continue reading.
- Avoid words that reinforce ageist, racial and ethnic stereotypes.
- Avoid racial identification except when it’s essential to communication.
- Substitute asexual words for “man” words or sexist words.