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How to blast against a particular set of local sequences (local database)?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



BLAST [1,2] is a local alignment tool widely used as a preliminary step for the identification of gene or protein functions. The command-line package of NCBI-Blast offers several useful features. These features include making a BLAST database of a set of nucleotide or protein sequences, blast a query sequence against them or all-against-all blast. In this article, these commands are explained. 

The NCBI-Blast+ package [3] is freely accessible and can be downloaded from here. There are both Linux and Windows packages available.

A blast database is required made up of the local sequences in order to blast a single query sequence or multiple sequences. Therefore, to make a blast database, open a terminal and type the following commands.

1. Making BLAST database of local sequences

The input file must consist of sequences in FASTA format.

$ makeblastdb -in input.fasta -parse_seqids -dbtype prot -out blastdb

Here, -parse_seqids is used because it may later help in parsing the sequence ids of the given sequences for further analyses. -in refers to the input file, -dbtype can be protein or nucleotide and -out is the name of the BLAST database to be created. If your input file is present in another directory then provide the complete path.

2. BLAST the local database against a single sequence

$ blastp -db blastdb -query seq.fasta -outfmt 0 -out result.txt -numthreads 4

where, -db is the BLAST database created in the previous step, -query is a file consisting of FASTA sequence, -outfmt is the output format which can be defined in several ways as shown here, and -numthreads refers to the number of CPUs to be used during the search. In the case of nucleotide sequences, use blastn or any other appropriate blast executable.

3. all against all

To BLAST local sequences against the local database created from the same input sequences, the input sequences are used as a query file in FASTA format.

$ blastp -db blastdb -query input.fasta -outfmt 0 -out result.txt -numthreads 4

As you can see in the above command, the database is the same local database created in the first step and the query are the input sequences from which the local database was created in the first place.

If you want to use the Windows version, then run the same commands by providing the path to the executables. The installation tutorial will be explained in the upcoming article.


  1. Altschul, S. F. (2001). BLAST algorithm. eLS.
  2. Altschul, S. F., Madden, T. L., Schäffer, A. A., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Miller, W., & Lipman, D. J. (1997). Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. Nucleic acids research25(17), 3389-3402.
  3. Camacho, C., Coulouris, G., Avagyan, V., Ma, N., Papadopoulos, J., Bealer, K., & Madden, T. L. (2009). BLAST+: architecture and applications. BMC bioinformatics10(1), 421.

Dr. Muniba is a Bioinformatician based in New Delhi, India. She has completed her PhD in Bioinformatics from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. She has cutting edge knowledge of bioinformatics tools, algorithms, and drug designing. When she is not reading she is found enjoying with the family. Know more about Muniba


CMake installation and upgrade: What worked & what didn’t?!

Dr. Muniba Faiza



CMake installation and upgrade: What worked & what didn’t?!

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Bioinformatics Programming

Free_Energy_Landscape-MD: Python package to create Free Energy Landscape using PCA from GROMACS.

Dr. Muniba Faiza



In molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, a free energy landscape (FEL) serves as a crucial tool for understanding the behavior of molecules and biomolecules over time. It is difficult to understand and plot a meaningful FEL and then extract the time frames at which the plot shows minima. In this article, we introduce a new Python package (Free_Energy_Landscape-MD) to generate an FEL based on principal component analysis (PCA) from MD simulation done by GROMACS [1].


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Bioinformatics News

VS_Analysis: A Python package to perform post-virtual screening analysis

Dr. Muniba Faiza



VS_Analysis: A Python package to perform post-virtual screening analysis

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Bioinformatics Programming Python script to perform post-virtual screening analysis

Dr. Muniba Faiza


on Python script to perform post-virtual screening analysis

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How to install Interactive Genome Viewer (IGV) & tools on Ubuntu?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



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MD Simulation

[Tutorial] Installing VIAMD on Ubuntu (Linux).

Dr. Muniba Faiza



[Tutorial] Installing VIAMD on Ubuntu (Linux).

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[Tutorial] Performing docking using DockingPie plugin in PyMOL.

Dr. Muniba Faiza



[Tutorial] Performing docking using DockingPie plugin in PyMOL.

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How to install the DockingPie plugin on PyMOL?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



How to install DockingPie plugin on PyMOL?

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Video Tutorial: Calculating binding pocket volume using PyVol plugin.

Dr. Muniba Faiza



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How to generate topology from SMILES for MD Simulation?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



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[Tutorial] Installing jdock on Ubuntu (Linux).

Dr. Muniba Faiza



[Tutorial] Installing jdock on Ubuntu (Linux).

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How to upgrade cmake on Ubuntu (Linux)?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



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How to install GMXPBSA on Ubuntu (Linux)?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



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[Tutorial] Installing Pyrx on Windows.

Dr. Muniba Faiza



[Tutorial] Installing Pyrx on Windows.

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MD Simulation

How to solve ‘Could NOT find CUDA: Found unsuitable version “10.1”‘ error during GROMACS installation?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



How to solve ‘Could NOT find CUDA: Found unsuitable version “10.1”‘ error during GROMACS installation?

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Installing Autodock4 on MacOS.

Dr. Muniba Faiza



Installing Autodock4 on MacOS

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How to install Autodock4 on Ubuntu?

Dr. Muniba Faiza



How to install Autodock4 on Ubuntu?

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DS Visualizer: Uses & Applications

Dr. Muniba Faiza



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Protein structure & folding information exploited from remote homologs.

Dr. Muniba Faiza



protein structure & folding prediction using remote homologs

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RNA-seq analysis

Pathonoia- A new tool to detect pathogens in RNA-seq data.

Dr. Muniba Faiza



Pathonoia- A new tool to detect pathogens in RNA-seq data.

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