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during the docking of Sn compound by Autodock vina, i am facing this error "AutoDock Vina throws an error with the following message: ATOM syntax incorrect: "Sn" is not a valid AutoDock type. Note that AutoDock atom types are case-sensitive"

Browse QuestionsCategory: Questionsduring the docking of Sn compound by Autodock vina, i am facing this error "AutoDock Vina throws an error with the following message: ATOM syntax incorrect: "Sn" is not a valid AutoDock type. Note that AutoDock atom types are case-sensitive"
1 Answers
Dr. Muniba FaizaDr. Muniba Faiza Staff answered 1 year ago

Try adding these coordinates in the param file:
atom_par Pt 2.75 0.080 12.000 -0.00110 0.0 0.0 0 -1 -1 1 # Non H-bonding