Tag: Multiple sequence alignment

HMMER- Uses & Applications

HMMER is a well-known bioinformatics tool/software. It offers a web server and…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

Easy installation of some alignment software on Ubuntu (Linux) 18.04 & 20.04

There are commonly used alignment programs such as muscle, blast, clustalx, and…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to install ClustalW2 on Ubuntu?

Clustal packages are quite useful in multiple sequence alignments. Especially, when you…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

How to use Clustal Omega and MUSCLE command-line tools for multiple sequence alignment?

Clustal Omega and MUSCLE are bioinformatics tools that are used for multiple…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Most widely used tools to analyze multiple sequence alignments

Multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are quite valuable in terms of studying new…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah