It has been a wonderful time since BiR came into existence. As we enter a new year, BiR tries to look forward to the development and wonderful achievements and providing the best knowledge regarding bioinformatics. In the past two years, BiR has hit a long road from a few readers to several thousand. Every complimentary and appreciation mail we get feels like an achievement for us. Bioinformatics has got a great future ahead of it with a better understanding and precise methodologies for both dry and wet lab experiments.
In the last two years, BiR has advanced in many aspects. We have come up with an android app which helps our readers to stay connected with the latest updates, our articles have started to appear in Google Scholar, we get a lot of cherishing emails, and collaboration proposals. BiR is trying to broaden the horizons by covering different domains of bioinformatics. Since bioinformatics is multidisciplinary, to date, the team of BiR has tried to go through almost every aspect of it including big data, sequence analysis, structural bioinformatics, data mining, tools, software, biostatistics, and so on. This year BiR is more focused to provide rich content to our readers and helps to understand the concepts of bioinformatics more easily. The team of BiR is trying to reach to the students to encourage them for their career in bioinformatics and to the researchers currently working in the same area. The last internship at BiR was a great success and we got an amazing response from our interns. We are looking forward to presenting our work at school and college level to introduce this to the young minds who are more fascinated by technology.
We have such a long road to driving which is not possible without the support of our readers, subscribers, and contributors. We are thankful to our readers wholeheartedly for their support and suggestions and wish them a very happy and prosperous new year with new hopes and great achievements. We would like to hear your thoughts and feedback about Bioinformatics Review, and what other kinds of articles you would like to read.
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