It’s all warm in BiR as we are inching towards next-to-next big hit with passionate and selfless efforts. The team has been up-regulated for its responsibility and assignment, assuring high-quality content and superfine bioinformatics news to keep you restlessly-looking-forward to the next issue. Since its inception, we at BiR have tried to touch almost every aspect of Bioinformatics encompassing tools, software, databases, and some flavor from the core biological domain and general statistics. Since, BiR tries its best to traverse every possible domain of biological sciences onto the computational platform, an entirety of content is being extracted and prepared with the intention to present well-appeased magazine for you.
At present, we have various fields and domains of bioinformatics that are being projected to justify the multidisciplinary nature of this discipline. The bioinformatics news and updates are not limited to genomics, proteomics and phylogenetic studies rather studies from veterinary sciences, climate change studies, waste cleanup, comparative studies, and alternative energy sources have been also implied into the discipline. One may say, where there is bioinformatics, there is a complete world subject to the above-mentioned fields. In the pretext of newly emerging approaches, BiR presents the core and fundamentals of biological sciences as they have been mandatory for achieving the motto of this platform. Among others, Systems Biology and Structural Biology need special mention for the variety of new tools, modified database repository, a newly adopted method for visualizing active sites in a protein, advanced algorithm for assessing the relationship between two regulatory proteins, development of machine learning tools and improved statistical methods for biological network analysis. These are backbones that keep the discipline stand-straight. In fact, we are in a position to shift our paradigm from the tradition to beyond-convention by providing short news stories in a separate column in the magazines itself. Fundamentals are important, but somewhere it is missed to have at least one stereotype of each bioinformatics application for strengthening the sovereignty and for uprising standard of the discipline in totality.
We have such a large projection of topics that are technically relevant in association with bioinformatics domain, but in spite of focusing on how to establish co-ordination between them, we are rushing towards the core of our field. A structural biologist is not in temper to cooperate with a systems biologist and on the other hand, a computer language expert never has an attitude of knowing about fundamentals of biology. The same concept of publication is applied in the magazine too. Those of chemo-informatics, even wastewater cleanup are not tangled, for they are supposed to be intangible support, becoming a part of the discipline’s implication and indeed are required with an explicit description on an open platform. It’s always nice to post an article on general statistics on any bioinformatics site, retaining the fragment of systems biology, algorithm, language, protein biology, tools, and phylogeny. We never come across to know about the indirect relationship between what we have written and their real concern. The need of providing valuable information on bioinformatics can’t be fulfilled with such an emotional thought and mood-of-blind-faith, both subscriber and team have the equal sense of liability to carry the heritage of conventional coordination of all approaches from the discipline to their real port of an application.
With the hope that the current issue will incite a combinatorial approach in subscriber mood and in return, our team will be further motivated to keep up the good work. That will really be a blend of all possible aspects arising from those of even unknown touch.
We look forward to your thoughts, comments, and feedback which you can send at [email protected]