In this article, we summarize the latest research in bioinformatics published this month.
1. No increased SARS-CoV-2 transmission due to recurrent mutations
Recently, Dorp et al., [1] have tested whether SARS-CoV-2 transmission is increasing due to the recurrent mutations. To check this, they have created a phylogenetic index. This index quantifies the relative number of descendants in sister clades with and without a specific allele [1]. They collected 46,723 SARS-CoV-2 genomes isolated from covid19 patients worldwide and applied this index to the dataset. The current mutations appeared to be evolutionarily neutral. For more information, read here.
2. A new tool for transcriptomic data analysis
A new tool called GIANT-Galaxy-based tool for Interactive ANalysis of Transcriptomic data has been developed by Vandel et al., [2]. GIANT is a set of tools allowing researchers to analyze transcriptomic data from microarray or RNA-seq analyses [2]. It consists of different modules facilitating the easy selection of tools for a particular analysis. The source code of the GIANT is freely downloadable on Github ( The Galaxy tool suite is available on the Galaxy Main Tool Shed (; name:suite_giant; owner:vandelj). For more information, read here.
3. New tool for marker set selection and genomic prediction
A new tool called GMStool is developed. This tool is based on Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) and uses statistical and machine-learning methods [3]. GMStool is written in R and is available at It shows higher performance than the other available tools. For more information, read here.
4. A new database about the regulatory relationship between human papillomavirus and host RNA
HRRD is a new manually curated database that contains the regulatory relationship between human papillomavirus and host RNA [4]. The host RNA includes mRNA, miRNA, and lncRNA. The information for this database is obtained from 10,761 papers in Pubmed. The database is easily accessible at For more information, read here.
5. A New Protein-Protein Interaction Network Aligner
AligNet is a new protein-protein interaction network aligner based on a parameter-free pairwise alignment algorithm [5]. It provides biologically and topologically efficient alignments. AligNet algorithm focuses on structural matching and protein function conservation. It is implemented in the R language and is freely available to download from GitHub.
- van Dorp, L., Richard, D., Tan, C. C., Shaw, L. P., Acman, M., & Balloux, F. (2020). No evidence for increased transmissibility from recurrent mutations in SARS-CoV-2. bioRxiv.
- Vandel, J., Gheeraert, C., Staels, B., Eeckhoute, J., Lefebvre, P., & Dubois-Chevalier, J. (2020). GIANT: Galaxy-based tool for Interactive ANalysis of Transcriptomic data. Scientific Reports.
- Jeong, S., Kim, J. Y., & Kim, N. (2020). GMStool: GWAS-based marker selection tool for genomic prediction from genomic data. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-12.
- Yan, B., Zhang, S., Yu, S., Hussain, S., Liu, T., Wang, B., … & Wei, L. (2020). HRRD: a manually-curated database about the regulatory relationship between HPV and host RNA. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-5.
- Alcalá, A., Alberich, R., Llabrés, M., Rosselló, F., & Valiente, G. (2020). AligNet: alignment of protein-protein interaction networks. BMC bioinformatics, 21(6), 1-22.