Dr. Muniba Faiza

Dr. Muniba is a Bioinformatician based in New Delhi, India. She has completed her PhD in Bioinformatics from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. She has cutting edge knowledge of bioinformatics tools, algorithms, and drug designing. When she is not reading she is found enjoying with the family. Know more about Muniba
257 Articles

[Tutorial] Performing docking using DockingPie plugin in PyMOL.

DockingPie is a PyMOL plugin to perform computational docking within PyMOL .…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to install the DockingPie plugin on PyMOL?

DockingPie is a plugin of PyMOL made to fulfill the purpose of…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to predict binding pocket/site using CASTp server?

The CASTp server allows you to predict the binding sites in a…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Proteins shape analyses reveal novel forms and connections.

A new study has revealed new forms of proteins that have never…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Energy minimization and equilibration of simple protein using NAMD & VMD.

In this tutorial, we will perform energy minimization and equilibration of a…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Generating topology of molecule for AMBER forcefield for GROMACS.

In this article, we will generate the topology of a small molecule…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Common mistakes made during computational docking.

Computational docking is not a trivial task once we avoid making some…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Video Tutorial: Calculating binding pocket volume using PyVol plugin.

This is a video tutorial for calculating binding pocket volume using the…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to generate topology from SMILES for MD Simulation?

If you need to generate the topology of molecules using their SMILES,…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

[Tutorial] Installing jdock on Ubuntu (Linux).

jdock is an extended version of idock . It has the same…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to upgrade cmake on Ubuntu (Linux)?

In bioinformatics, cmake is used to install multiple software including GROMACS, jdock,…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to install GMXPBSA on Ubuntu (Linux)?

GMXPBSA is a tool to calculate binding free energy . It is…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

[Tutorial] Installing Pyrx on Windows.

Pyrx is another virtual screening software that also offers to perform docking…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to visualize output plots of MD simulation (GROMACS)?

Visualizing plots of molecular dynamics simulation is easy once you have generated…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Installing Autodock4 on MacOS.

Previously, we installed the Autodock suite on Ubuntu. Visit this article for…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to install Autodock4 on Ubuntu?

Autodock suite is used for docking small molecules . Recently, Autodock-GPU is…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

DS Visualizer: Uses & Applications

Discovery Studio (DS) Visualizer (from BIOVIA) is a visualization tool for viewing,…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Protein structure & folding information exploited from remote homologs.

Remote homologs are similar protein structures that share similar functions, but there…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to calculate number of steps (nsteps) for MD simulation run?

While doing molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, it can be difficult to calculate…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza