How to predict binding pocket/site using CASTp server?
The CASTp server allows you to predict the binding sites in a…
Protein structure & folding information exploited from remote homologs.
Remote homologs are similar protein structures that share similar functions, but there…
AlphaFill- New algorithm to fill ligands in AlphaFold models.
AlphaFold is a popular artificial intelligence based protein prediction tool . Though…
SWISS-MODEL: Uses & Applications
SWISS-MODEL is a bioinformatics tool that is widely used for protein structure…
Modeller- Uses & Applications
Modeller is a standalone tool for homology modeling or comparative modeling of…
Homology Modeling vs ab initio Protein Structure Prediction
In one of our previous articles, we explained the basic methodology involved…
Tutorial: Basic protein structure modeling using MODELLER
SALI MODELLER is one of the most widely used command-line bioinformatics software…
Methodology for Homology Modeling of a Simple Protein
Previously, we have explained the initial methods involved in the structure prediction…