Cytoscape is a software for the easy visualization of complex networks [1-3]. In this article, we will install Cytoscape on Ubuntu.
Prepare your system
Let’s update and upgrade the system first.
Open the terminal (Ctrl+T) and type the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Downloading Cytoscape
Change to the directory where you wish to download the software.
$ cd Downloads/
$ sudo wget
Installing Cytoscape
Provide access permission to the downloaded installer.
$ sudo chmod u+x
Running Cytoscape
You can look for Cytoscape in the Ubuntu start menu or run it via terminal using the following command:
$ Cytoscape &
- Shannon, P., Markiel, A., Ozier, O., Baliga, N. S., Wang, J. T., Ramage, D., … & Ideker, T. (2003). Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks. Genome research, 13(11), 2498-2504.
- Kohl, M., Wiese, S., & Warscheid, B. (2011). Cytoscape: software for visualization and analysis of biological networks. In Data mining in proteomics (pp. 291-303). Humana Press.
- Smoot, M. E., Ono, K., Ruscheinski, J., Wang, P. L., & Ideker, T. (2011). Cytoscape 2.8: new features for data integration and network visualization. Bioinformatics, 27(3), 431-432.