[Tutorial] How to install openbabel on Ubuntu (Linux)?
Open Babel is an open-source chemical toolbox for molecular modeling and cheminformatics…
How to install & execute Discovery Studio Visualizer on Ubuntu (Linux)?
DS Visualizer is a comprehensive, free molecular modeling and visualization tool designed…
[Tutorial] Installing HTSlib on Ubuntu (Linux).
HTSlib is an open-source C library designed for handling high-throughput sequencing (HTS)…
CMake installation and upgrade: What worked & what didn’t?!
CMake is a widely used cross-platform build system that automates the process…
How to install Interactive Genome Viewer (IGV) & tools on Ubuntu?
Interactive Genome Viewer (IGV) is an interactive tool to visualize genomic data…
[Tutorial] Installing VIAMD on Ubuntu (Linux).
Visual Interactive Analysis of Molecular Dynamics (VIAMD) is a tool that allows…
[Tutorial] Installing jdock on Ubuntu (Linux).
jdock is an extended version of idock . It has the same…
How to install GMXPBSA on Ubuntu (Linux)?
GMXPBSA is a tool to calculate binding free energy . It is…
How to install Autodock4 on Ubuntu?
Autodock suite is used for docking small molecules . Recently, Autodock-GPU is…
Installing PyVOL plugin in Pymol on Ubuntu (Linux).
PyVOL is an excellent plugin of Pymol for pocket visualization of proteins.…
How to install Kpax on Ubuntu (Linux)?
Kpax is a bioinformatics program to search and align protein structures .…
How to install ClusCo on Ubuntu (Linux)?
ClusCo is a bioinformatics software to perform clustering and comparison of protein…
How to install multiple Pymol versions on Ubuntu (Linux)?
Sometimes we need to access old versions of Pymol . Running some…
How to install IQ-TREE on Ubuntu (Linux)?
IQ-TREE is a bioinformatics software for phylogenetic/phylogenomic inference. It is available as…
Installing Snakemake on Ubuntu (Linux)
Snakemake is a workflow management system to create scalable data analyses .…
Installing Conda on Ubuntu (Linux)
Conda (Anaconda, Inc.) is an open-source dependency, package, and environment management system…
How to compare two pairwise alignments using Modeller-10.1?
Modeller-10.1 is the latest version of the software. We can perform multiple…
Installing MODELLER 10.1 on Linux/Ubuntu
MODELLER is a software package that is generally used to predict protein…
How to generate config file for docking using Autodock Tools?
A configuration file is one of the required files for docking using…
How to install Autodock on Ubuntu (Linux) with CUDA GPU support?
Autodock is most widely used for docking. To accelerate the docking process,…