As CRISPR/Cas9 is a well-known genome editing technology, it is important to explore and analyze CRISPR screening experiments. In this article, we discuss a new tool developed for better visualization of CRISPR screening experiments.
A new web-based tool called VISPR is developed to visualize CRISPR screening experiments [1]. VISPR stands for VISualization of crisPR screens. VISPR allows easy online analysis, visualization, and sharing of CRISPR screening data. VISPR also supports two other tools: BAGEL and JACKS. Additionally, VISPR allows users to visualize read count changes along with an interactive environment for gene exploration and viewing guide RNA locations [1].
How does VISPR work?
VISPR mainly consists of three modules: the front-end file parsing module, uniform file formats, and back-end visualization module. The front-end module processes files of screening analysis tools including MAGeCK, MAGeCK-VISPR, BAGEL, and JACKS. The uniform file formats scale the front-end and the back-end. The third visualization module processes the uniform file formats [1].
VISPR is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows environments. It is freely accessible at and the source is available on GitHub.
For more details, read here.
- Cui, Y., Wang, Z., Köster, J. et al. VISPR-online: a web-based interactive tool to visualize CRISPR screening experiments. BMC Bioinformatics 22, 344 (2021).