Next Generation Sequencing

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[Tutorial] Trailing of paired end reads using Trimmomatic tool in GALAXY.

Trimmomatic is a read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data . It…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to extract methylation call using Bismark?

Bismark is bioinformatics to map bisulfite treated sequencing reads and to perform…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Installing PANDAseq on Ubuntu

PANDAseq is a bioinformatics tool that aligns paired-ends of Illumina sequences .…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Installing Bismark on Ubuntu

Bismark is a bioinformatics tool to map bisulfite treated sequencing reads to…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

FiNGS- A New Software providing Filters for Next Generation Sequencing

We use somatic variant callers to detect mutations in cancer samples by…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

IonCRAM: New Tool for Ion Torrent Sequence Files Compression

One of the major next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies that are most frequently…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

Assembly of high-throughput mRNA-Seq data: A review

Transcriptome represents the complete set of all expressed transcripts (RNA molecules) present…

Predictive metagenomics profiling: why, what and how ?

What is predictive metagenomics profiling? Recently, predictive metagenomics profiling (PMP) has been…

Jennifer Wood Jennifer Wood

ALFALFA explained

High throughput sequencing has revolutionized the new world of bioinformatics research. Since…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza