Previously, we provided a similar script to download ligand SMILES from PDB ligand IDs. In this article, we are downloading PDB ligand structures from their corresponding...
Electron density maps are available for most of the protein structures in PDB. Therefore, in this article, we are using PDB to generate electron density maps...
VMD allows converting PDB to PSF format but sometimes it gives multiple errors. Therefore, in this article, we are going to convert PDB into PSF format...
In this article, we are going to download FASTA sequences for multiple structures from PDB [1]. We need to have PDB IDs only for input.
The x, y, and z coordinates of atoms are provided in the PDB file. One way to extract them is by using the Biopython package [1]....
A new Python package named ‘dssp_parser‘ is developed to parse DSSP files. This package fetches all helices including long and short ones from DSSP files.
Openbabel is used to inter-convert many file formats [1]. It is available for Linux, Windows, and MAC operating systems. In this article, we will learn how...