Bioinformatics Programming

A collection of articles on bioinformatics programming published in Bioinformatics Review.

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Latest Bioinformatics Programming News

A perl script to convert multiline FASTA sequences into a single line

There are different software or tools which require different kinds of input,…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to read fasta sequences from a file using PHP?

Here is a simple function in PHP to read fasta sequences from…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

How to extract fasta sequences from a multi-fasta file based on matching headers in a separate file?

This is a simple Perl script to extract FASTA sequences from a…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

How to read fasta sequences as hash using perl?

This is a simple Perl script to read a multifasta file as a…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

BETSY: A new backward-chaining expert system for automated development of pipelines in Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics analyses have become long and difficult as it involves a large…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Linux ‘sed’ command in Perl programming

When it comes to handling large data files to process, it becomes…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

How to execute Unix/shell commands in a Perl script?

BioPerl is a collection of Perl modules that are used to write…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

What is Numerical Taxonomy? How is it useful?

Classification of biological species is one of the important concern while studying…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Genetic Algorithm: Explanation and Perl Code

When it comes to bioinformatics algorithms, Genetic algorithms top the list of…

Tariq Abdullah Tariq Abdullah

HTSeq : A Python framework to analyze high throughput sequencing data

High throughput sequencing is most widely used as it saves a lot…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

TIN: R package to analyze Transcriptome Instability

Alternative Splicing plays a very essential role in proper functioning of eukaryotic…

Dr. Muniba Faiza Dr. Muniba Faiza

Perl one-liners for bioinformaticians

Perl one-liners are extremely short Perl scripts written in the form of…

Matej Lexa Matej Lexa